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Protests in Bogotá for Indigenous Rights

On October 21, 2020, more than 7,000 Indigenous protestors from southwestern Colombia converged on the capital, Bogotá. In the midst of the COVID-19 public health crisis, Indigenous Colombians also faced a surge in assassinations of Indigenous leaders and environmental activists as they resisted the escalation of extractive violence in their territories. The Minga takes its name from a Quechua word for collective work toward a common goal—in this case, the goal of finding protection for Indigenous rights. Members of the Cabildo Indígena Monifue Urukɨ Bogotá were among the thousands who joined the march.  (ALL photo rights reserved).

Members of the Cabildo Indígena Monifue Urukɨ join la minga.

Miembros del Cabildo Indígena Monifue Urukɨ se juntan a la minga.

Members of the Cabildo Indígena Monifue Urukɨ protest in the central plaza of the capital.

Miembros del Cabildo Indígena Monifue Urukɨ protestan en la plaza central del capital.

Cabildo members dance in the streets of central Bogotá.

Miembros del cabildo bailando en las calles del centro de Bogotá.

An elder prepares a plant remedy for a meeting of the Cabildo.

Una abuela prepara un remedio para una reunión del Cabildo.

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